Hello There!!
I'm Rachel Meagan.
A storyteller at my core, a friend on every level. I will serve you with everything I have. I want to create images for you that beautifully depict who you are with each other.
I want to document the forehead kisses, the butt grabs, even the cute little giggle she does when you make a funny joke. The nose crinkles, inside jokes, the fun and the sentimental stuff alike. It’s so important to me that you look back at these images in the coming years and think - “that’s us.” Not just perfect poses in the perfect setting. Perfectly ya’ll.
Learn more about me and my heart at the link below.

Documentary Photography (as defined by the life library of photography) – “A visual representation of a deeply felt moment, as rich in psychological and emotional meaning as a personal experience vividly recalled.”
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Wedding Portfolio

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